Policy Adda SME insurance is more than quality coverage for your space. With access to innovative tools, money-saving discounts and a local agent, it’s easy to make sure you’re covering all your bases. Read on to see all that Policy Adda has to offer.
About SME Insurance
SME insurance is the new platform which will benefit Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), small shop and business owners amid financial emergency. From buying insurance, renewing coverage to filing claims — customers will able to manage all insurance-related queries under SMEInsure.
Every business should have working capital to sustain the functions of the company, pay its employees and grow in the market. Insurance helps in case of unprecedented financial risks and are usually mitigated with insurance coverage
SME insurance help businesses to overcome the losses held unpredictably and sustain your business in a long run.
Coverage & Policies
See all the different ways Policy Adda can help protect your SME (small-to-medium enterprise).
It depends where you live, but standard SME insurance policies will typically help pay to repair damage caused by certain risks, or perils, including:
Fire and smoke
Windstorm or hail
Falling objects
Frozen plumbing
Water damage from plumbing, water heater, heating or cooling system or appliance.
Compare quotes and get SME insurance in right way
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Reliable. Personable. Fast.
Start a fast, free SME insurance quote with Policy Adda. We help you find any insurance coverages that are right for you, so you’re not paying for anything you don’t want!
Get a insurance quote – typically in 2 minutes or less. Switch to Policy Adda for an insurance policy from a brand you can trust.
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