Insurance-Policy AddaInsurance-Policy AddaInsurance-Policy Adda
7677888748 (Mon - Sat)

International Travel Insurance


Get coverage built to protect your International Travel.

Policy Adda Travel insurance is more than quality coverage for your travel. With access to innovative tools, money-saving discounts and a local agent, it’s easy to make sure you’re covering all your bases. Our overseas travel insurance policy will help you deal with whatever untoward situations come your way. From delayed luggage to lost passports or being detected with COVID-19*, we’ll be with you at every step of the journey 

About International Travel Insurance

Travel insurance is an insurance product for covering unforeseen losses incurred while travelling, either internationally or domestically. Travel insurance  is a contract between an insurance policy holder and an insurer or assurer, where the insurer promises to pay a designated beneficiary a sum of money upon the death of an insured person (often the policy holder).

Coverage &

See all the different ways Policy Adda can help protect your travel.


Learn how you can save on travel insurance by browsing discounts.

Want to make a Claim?

Get helpful information about filing a life claim with Policy Adda.

What risks does your policy cover?

It depends where you live, but standard International Travel Insurance policies will typically help pay to repair damage caused by certain risks, or perils, including:

Fire and smoke
Windstorm or hail
Falling objects
Frozen plumbing
Water damage from plumbing, water heater, heating or cooling system or appliance.
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          Compare quotes and get travel insurance in right way

          Get an Insurance Quote
          Reliable. Personable. Fast.

          Start a fast, free travel insurance quote with Policy Adda. We help you find any insurance coverages that are right for you, so you’re not paying for anything you don’t want!

          Get a insurance quote – typically in 2 minutes or less. Switch to Policy Adda for an insurance policy from a brand you can trust.

          Facing any problem to get a quote!

          Call: +91 7677888748

          Still have you any problem for solutions?

          For any inquiries relating to my Retail and Leadership Programs or Coaching and Mentoring services feel free to speak to me personally by call us during business hours.

          Head office address:

          Z Complex, Above Voltas Showroom, Tharpakna, Plazza Chowck, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India.

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          Mail for information:

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            Melbourne, Australia
            (Sat - Thursday)
            (10am - 05 pm)
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